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Villain Week 2015 - Cap'n Merritt
Release DateMarch 26, 2015
Characters Sanori Minosei
Cap'n Merritt
Pierrick Avalet

Villain Week 2015 - Cap'n Merritt

Villain Week 2015 - Cap'n Merritt was one of the short stories done for Villain Week 2015. There was an extra day of Villain Week that A.G. didn't know what to do with, so Cap'n Merritt helpfully stepped in once again. Once more, hilarity ensued.

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Plot Synopsis

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Cap'n Merritt recounts his own story of how he met the Indigo Ninja—Merritt and Pierrick catch her trespassing on his ship, Merritt threatens her with a gun, and then puts her in a holding cell, as per the comic. But in his version, she "definitely didn't escape," and she was killed and thrown overboard and he got a lot of loot. The end!