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Gloria's Backstory (Original)
Gloria's Backstory (Original)

Release DateJuly 1, 2009
Timeline (?)11 BM - 6 BM
Characters Gloria Rosebloom
Location(s) Noen

Gloria's Backstory (Original)

Gloria's Backstory (Original) was a comic series done for Backstory Month 2009. It follows the events of Gloria Rosebloom's early life, and how she came to be the long foretold Legendary Female. It was remastered in 2019 for its tenth anniversary.

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Plot Synopsis

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The comic starts with two archaeologists, Thomas Rosebloom and Stanley Richards, arguing over the interpretation of a tablet depicting the legend of The Legendary Female. In his search for the truth, Thomas discovers a hidden cave, where more of the legend is contained... but when he enters, the door closes behind him, trapping him inside. While inside, the legendary Elemental Wari appear to him, offering to explain the legend in greater detail. He steps into the light, and is never heard from again, presumed to be dead. His wife Jenda is forced to take care of their only daughter, Gloria, by herself. Elsewhere, Mystis explains that Gloria is the foreseen Legendary Female.

Three years later, Jenda takes Gloria to the grocery store. While there, they run into Paula Houton, Jenda's friend from highschool. Paula introduces her family, including her young daughter Maurene ("Maria"), just one year younger than Gloria. But while they are catching up, some agents of the MegaMy appear, investigating rumors of a Myindo in the area. Maria's father explains that the MegaMy are known to be selfish and cruel, to which Gloria responds negatively, calling out the MegaMy for being bullies. In a fit of rage, one of the MegaMy attacks Gloria, knocking her off the roof. Gloria is badly injured, and taken to the hospital.

When Gloria is on the brink of death, the Elemental Wari come to her, offering her some of their power so she can heal herself. Mystis orders Magmis to stay behind and instruct Gloria in how to use her powers. Magmis obeys with some reluctance, and is able to instruct Gloria on how to use her healing powers, saving her life.

Gloria is very grateful to Magmis (who she calls "Maggie") for saving her life, eager to take her home. However, when she explains to her mother that Magmis saved her life, Jenda doesn't believe it, reminding Gloria that the Wari are dangerous. But both Gloria and Magmis are persistent, and with Maria's help, they're able to convince Jenda that Magmis is not dangerous and that she can come home with them. Gloria is excited, and eagerly takes up Magmis' offer to teach her magic.