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Chapter 3: Transfer Student
Release DateMay 6, 2017
End DateJune 9, 2018
Characters Sanori Minosei
Danny Merritt
Shannon Minosei
Mimi Flynn
...And more!
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Chapter 3: Transfer Student

In Chapter 3 of Aiiro No Kunoichi, Sanori attends American high school for the first time. It goes about as well as you'd expect.

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Plot Synopsis

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Shannon walks Sanori to the bus stop, excited on Sanori's behalf for her first day at a new school. Sanori is decidedly less excited, not sure what to expect from an American school. Shannon encourages her to make friends, privately worrying that she will not.

At school, Sanori runs into Danny and his girlfriend, Angela Giles. Danny says hello and attempts to introduce them, but Sanori remains leery and aloof. Upon parting ways, Danny explains to Angela that he's not sure why Sanori doesn't like him, and Angela encourages him to leave her alone.

Sanori arrives at her first class, where the teacher asks her to introduce herself. Another student, Mimi Flynn, is intrigued to learn that Sanori is from Japan, herself being fascinated by Japanese culture. She hopes to try and befriend Sanori, but worries about coming off as a Japan-obsessed weirdo. Sanori, meanwhile, is just annoyed with the other students for slacking off in class.

At her next class, Sanori again runs into Danny, who she discovers to be the popular kid in school, much to her annoyance. Danny, still wanting to befriend Sanori despite Angela's advice, asks her what he did to upset her. Sanori, finding herself unable to answer, rebuffs him. Angela, watching the conversation from afar, is displeased.

Later, at lunch, Sanori sits alone at the cafeteria. Recalling her mother's advice to make friends, she thinks on how difficult it is for her, finding it hard to relate to or even trust other people due to her Aiiro No Kunoichi training. In the midst of these thoughts, Mimi approaches her, asking if she can sit with her. Sanori considers this for a moment, then decides to say yes.

Mimi attempts to make small talk, trying and failing to dance around the topic of Japan. Eventually, on Sanori's prompting, Mimi admits to her interest in Japanese culture, and her worries about Sanori finding it weird. Sanori tells her that she doesn't mind people being interested in other cultures, pointing out that it's how her parents met in the first place. Mimi is relieved, asking if it's okay to ask Sanori about Japan sometime. Sanori says it's fine, as long as she's not busy.

As the two of them part ways, Sanori ponders her feelings. She decides that it's too early to decide if a friendship can form, but is glad for the moment for the pleasant encounter.